Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

So that Kobe thing’s a pretty big deal, isn’t it. Everyone everywhere telling their Kobe stories because it is a sad story, but it is interesting that he’s treated like a fallen hero when he settled a rape case out of court because the 19 year old he admitted to fucking was too scared to testify against him. I mean…Louis CK can’t jack off for two whores in his hotel room, but KOBE can go through the court system for rape and still be seen a god. Crazy.

I don’t care about sports, or about rapists, I am just saying you are all inconsistent.

I don’t give a fuck about Meghan Markle. I just wanted to put that out there because being in Canada, where they’ve moved, means it is really all over the media and you can escape the bitch. I guess we’ve made some real advancements in Sugar Babying where that the media has to treat them like they aren’t sugar babies, but rather people of importance.

Or maybe everyone is a fucking sugar baby, looking for that rich cock to get pregnant with before menopause, to divorce and get the monthly check.

So we’re all just so comfortable with Sugar Babies, that we overlook the sugar baby part of the story, which as far as I’m concerned is the whole story to say things like “I think Meghan is brave to remove herself from the situation for her mental health and for the quality of life for her kid”, because they are forgetting that she’s not removing herself of any situation, she’s trying to go back to Hollywood to live or do that whole actor thing she’s always wanted to do, and sort of did with that one show no one watched, but now, with all this PR, people like Ellen (who Markle considers a Kindred spirit) are fighting to interview her.

Before Royalty, people weren’t fighting to interview Markle because they didn’t even know she existed. Case number 34 from Deal or No Deal doesn’t get much attention and either should Markle, I mean before marrying and getting knocked up by the Prince.

Anyway, I don’t care about Markle, but I do appreciate the plight of the Sugar Baby, and this sugar babying is far funnier than when they end up with early investors in Facebook or whatever.

Here are some some morning links in the morning…

Kobe’s Helicopter Crash Footage


News Reporter N-Bombs Kobe’s Helicopter Crash


Bernadette Lukacsi Naked Vagina Shoot


Woman in a Tube Top Dress – Burping


Smoke Fills Plane


Mariah Carey Doesn’t KNow what an Electricity Bill is


Madison Flowers Rough Looking girl in a Topless Shoot


Carnival Worker Shot in the Eye


Exercise Band Vs NUTS


Some Girl in Pantyhose Doing Yoga Poses


Weird Fake Bodybuilders


Crazy Guy at Alien Con


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day January 27th, 2020