Yuan Herong is The Corona Virus Hero of the DAy

The hero we need is here….

She’s the bodybuilding instagram doctor from CHINA (I assume) who is on the FRONT lines of the fight against the Corona Virus and who will beat the fuck out of it like some kind of action hero because she’s built like an action hero.

They say not all heroes wear capes or something like that, it’s a meme that is overused by the general public so I block it out, but apparently not all heroes wear clothes either…at least when flexing their abs.

I know that if I was the Corona Virus, I’d be scared to come face to face with this…body that you can’t fuck up the ass cuz it can grab onto your dick with all that musculature and rip it the fuck off.

So fuck you weird asian Viruses…as we celebrate your body building doctors that are helping downplay the magnitude of “we’re all gonna fucking die”….


Yuan Herong is The Corona Virus Hero of the DAy January 28th, 2020