Madelaine Petsch Cheerleader Panty Flash of the Day

Madelaine Petsch the 25 year old playing a 16 year old flashing her panties on Riverdale.

Riverdale is a pretty funny phenomenon because it got so much fucking hype the first season, that people thought it was a actual show that was worth watching, leaving the writers who only did one season assuming it wouldn’t have a second season to fucking scramble and in scrambling they have gone down some very confusing storylines, but I couldn’t tell you what they are, I just know that they killed off Luke Perry, and that they aren’t nearly sexual enough, but occasionally they go for the viral clip of one of their starlets being slutty. Which I guess this is one of those moments.


Madelaine Petsch Cheerleader Panty Flash of the Day January 29th, 2020