Eiza Gonzalez Just Got The Corona Virus of the Day

What is Eiza Gonzalez thinking putting her credit card in her mouth when the Corona virus is probably living on it from the last time she bought Chinese take out. RIP Eiza Gonzalez who might as well be already dead since no one fucking knows who she is….

I am one of the many rooting for the Corona Virus because we need a natural disaster to reset the way we live. I’m not some survivalist with a bunker ready for the apocalypse, but I figure I’ll go down with the rest of you, and likely survive, it’s some cockroach shit….

The fact is that everyone is so vapid, so dumb, so self absorbed….chasing some silly dream of fame and money so they can have mansions and fly private…they have no sense of community, decency and they are all polluted from shit like memes and the Kardashians…then the whole infrastructure with taxation, government control….all that other work 9-5 to barely get by….instead of just living off your land like it was the Wild West….society and the way it runs sucks…so follow Eiza’s lead and lick door handle like it was Josh Duhamel’s dick after him and fergie split (this was the other women)….and I’ll just watch you idiots scramble in your active wear…let’s hope those Spin and Pilates classes trained you to fight off REAL threats….and not your office variety of “my boss told me I looked good today, I’d like to file a grievance and I’d like a settlement” level #metoo…we are talking official SURVIVAL.

So go Corona…my Corona…I believe in you.



Eiza Gonzalez Just Got The Corona Virus of the Day February 6th, 2020