TikTok Video of the Day

So this girl’s mom is the same one mad about the Super Bowl Half Time Show…that was the general consensus of the Super Bowl memes directed at conservative moms….like “Bitch do you see what your kid gets up to on Reddit, OnlyFans, Patreon, TikTok, Instagram”…like we are over the slut hump and sex is everything and everywhere….

I know that TikTok is a Chinese spying device on Americans that is also giving young people a platform for their comedy like it was vine, but for the most part I thought Chinese were more conservative than allowing videos of a girl rolling around talking about her snail trail….

Maybe they like snail trails because that’s how the Corona Virus started.

Who KNOWS but its amazing….I just hope she’s over 18….if she’s not, don’t blame me -blame TikTok the porn peddlars…

TikTok Video of the Day February 6th, 2020