Rebecca Black’s It’s Tuesday Titties of the Day

Rebecca Black is from “It’s Friday” the dumbest viral song to ever go viral in a much simpler time when things went viral.

I figured that since her career is based on that dumb fucking song that makes me so glad that I don’t work in an office because I assume the same people who say “Happy Tuesday” or “Happy Monday”…are the ones who say “It’s Friday”…quoting the song so that YOU know they were on the internet 10 years ago….offices…the fucking worst.

So my genius joke, because I am a genius, I know from doing an online IQ TEST, is that it’s not Friday, It’s Tuesday Titties and bitch is on that tits get hits, because she’s had a hit and knows hits, but can’t have a second hit because the thing with Viral videos is they happen and then they disappear….a blip on the radar and most talentless idiots just go back to obscurity…despite their internet fame and money…so she’s got her tits out…to let you know she’s more than a viral video or a viral song…she is also busty…and since we like tits…I support that.


Rebecca Black’s It’s Tuesday Titties of the Day February 11th, 2020