I originally wrote the headline as “male attention” but realized these young people are all weird and they all fuck each other because they are so liberated and inclusive…that Vanessa Hudgens in her recent break-up, could in fact be seeking pretty much any attention from any gender or even species since we don’t have definitive evidence that she’s not part Sasquatch / Yeti…unless her 5 O’Clock Shadow on her pussy was intentional in her early selfie nudes, before anyone was doing selfie nudes, during an era of every girl wouldn’t be caught dead with pubic hair, to my DISMAY because I love pubic hair…..
That said, her boyfriend she gave a bunch of years to, is now playing Elvis and about to be a hugely booked star, so he did what all dudes who make it do, and dropped the dead weight…because all the hot pussy, famous or not, is going to be throwing themselves at him and thus no time for old table scraps who is too comfortable and who you have been through the wringer with…..so drop her….
He’s on the rise, she knows she’s on the decline as she gets older…it’s just biological science so she’s on the prowl…to either make him think she’s hot, not damaged, etc.