Rita Ora Getting Wet of the Day

I think Rita Ora is hot. I like that she’s officially “famous” despite having done nothing really beyond getting a record deal 10 years ago….and cruising around the world with industry people, at industry events, like she matters…all without making hit songs….girl is a victim or product of the system man…getting that million dollar deal on spec but never used by the people who bought her in some modern day slave trade…only in her slave trade she’s just a famous person with all the rewards of being famous…brand work, sponsorships, all expense paid trips, hosting gigs….everything except a HIT….because you don’t need to have a hit…you just need to have people think you may or may not have a hit…because followers is more marketable and more lucrative than selling records through a corrupt record industry.

BUT that could just be her tits talking….I am sold on Rita Ora because of the tits.

Here she is showing off her abs…


Rita Ora Getting Wet of the Day February 24th, 2020