Hailey Bieber’s Pussy Mound in Spandex of the Day

Hailey Bieber has mangled up her face in what I assume is a transition to become the next Bieber, they pretty much look the fucking same, only she’s got more filler inserted in her than she’s got Bieber dick in her…I don’t really know what that meant, but it was a natural direction this post took, since it’s about her pussy mound..

Like Beethoven and all the other greats, I don’t plan what my fingers type, it sort of channels through me from a higher place, maybe it’s a spiritual or religious experience, and maybe I am that Messiah that Christian Bieber, who I doubt is very Christian based on everything about her, from walking around cunt first, we can see her full pussy…that’s some stripper shit…to trying to be a false idol despite failing as a false idol…since the other false idols (Jenner /Hadids) did it better….but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t envy them…it just means she married Bieber to get her own shine….if you can’t get your own celebrity, fuck someone elses celebrity and get the affiliated or celebrity adjacent celebrity that comes with it…

Point being…BIEBER PUSSY…you always knew existed since Baby Baby Oh came out…but now you can see in some silly outfit…

Ugly Bieber Plastic Face or not, the ass is good though.


Hailey Bieber’s Pussy Mound in Spandex of the Day February 25th, 2020