Kaia Gerber Feeling herself Up of the Day

Kaia Gerber is Cindy Crawford’s little clone she created as a project during her retirement, that is much like Cindy Crawford in that she is doing the whole model thing, thanks in no part to Cindy Crawford being her mom, only unlike Cindy Crawford, the 1990s icon, this little brat is from today’s generation of raised on pornography, over sexualized perverts, who probably masturbate all fucking day to each other while playing videogames. The level of smut they produce on their phones EVERYDAY outweighs the amount of smut produced in the entire decade of the 1990s porn industry. It’s just the reality.

So unlike Cindy Crawford, this one is that “poor little rich girl” cliche, who doesn’t even realize what she’s had cuz she’s always had it, and she doesn’t really realize where it’s going because it doesn’t matter, the family is rich as fuck, she’s fine regardless, and in meantime she gets praise as she poses like an asshole at 18, an 18 year old asshole…if you will…that has been tainted by Pete Davidson if you will…just doing this for the praise….wanting to be told how hot she is…instead of going to fucking school to be a doctor or some shit.

I am not mad that Kaia Gerber exists, even if her last name is offensive sounding. I’m actually happy that an actual hot celebrity brat playing “model” hits the scene. Will she last, probably not, entitled people of her generation prefer chilling to actually going to work the runway, I can’t imagine her not fucking up, you know any kid with a stage parent has that breaking point, no matter who that stage parent is. Living out momma’s dream instead of just living off the trust fund. Makes no sense to me..if I was in her situation, and I’m not, my body was never of model caliber and I’d look silly in shiny bra tops despite my womanly fat man tits, but if I was in her situation, I’d be Van Wilder, in college getting wasted for 15 years. You have to be a real idiot to want to be working at fashion shows like some peasant trying to break into an industry her mom already owns. It’s really just silly.


Kaia Gerber Feeling herself Up of the Day February 27th, 2020