Kylie Jenner and her Friend in Sheer Dresses for Attention of the Day

I figure I’ll post these pics of Kylie Jenner and her fat ass whore friend in sheer dresses together for attention, because you love the young and the rich muppet looking bitches who have normalized plastic surgery for young girls who look like trolls, to feel empowered, to look like sex dolls, and not in a good way, but in a better than their natural state way, confusing all us motherfuckers into thinking these doughy faced, stappled on flesh, is hot, confusing young girls who are naturally hot but who don’t look like this, to make themselves look like this, to be on trend or on brand, it’s important in this superficial era of instagram….

So hot chicks turn themselves ugly, ugly chicks turn themselves into porn looking chicks, and it’s all so fucking artificial….the best is the fat girls, like Kylie, who get their fat asses shaped or their fat stomachs sucked the fuck out…

Thanks Kylie for your contribution to an already fucked society. Oh and thanks for making girls think being a billionaire is the only way, so doing sex work and paid subscriptions are the key to getting those designer trash…

I also figure that some of you fuck pigs, literally fuck pigs in your backyard…and all you see is a human version of that…so this one’s for you….vile and disgusting Jenner and her friend photoshopped in dumb outfits…

We can safely hope this trip ends in Corona Virus death for that entire family. They have lived enough. It is time.

In the meantime here’s rich kids, who were basically given a handout to become even rich kids, look like street level whores who eat too much fried chicken.

Kylie Jenner and her Friend in Sheer Dresses for Attention of the Day March 5th, 2020