Maisie Williams Bikini Dance of the Day

Maisie Williams of Game of Thrones fame, who looks like she got cast in Games of Thrones because of her troll features is a prime example of marketing shaping the minds of perverts everywhere. I’ve never watched the show, but based on her paparazzi pics, I can tell she’s terrifying.

People are conditioned to believe what they are told, so if they are told this wonky faced bitch is hot, they accept it.

It is the same reason that Ashley Tisdale was packaged as hot, even though she’s not.

The general public have a hard time formulating opinions, they just go with the flow not knowing what they actually like or dislike.

I’ve told this story before, so I’ll keep it short, but when I was new to a school, an immigrant who barely spoke the language, from a fucked up background, the group of guys I ended up hanging with would always talk about this inbred looking bitch like she was the hottest thing ever, I couldn’t see past the fact that she looked like an inbred downs syndrome bitch, but would go along with it, because I thought there was something wrong with me for seeing a downs syndrome inbred bitch. I figured “this is the school dynamic, I’m new, go with it”…but I couldn’t convince myself of it, and realized, fuck these faggots who want to fuck inbred looking bitches, I’m happier being left the fuck alone.

So I guess the public, easy to convince public, don’t go to that next step. When they don’t find someone hot, but the world says they are hot, they go with the general consensus, because they think there’s something off about them not liking the bitch.

However, this Maisie Williams video teaches us that that no matter how ugly the girl is, they are better in bikinis as long as they aren’t fat. So it don’t matter how ugly they are if they are half naked and dancing….We basic.


Maisie Williams Bikini Dance of the Day March 5th, 2020