Rita Ora – Still Busty, Still Self Promoting of the Day

Rita Ora is out here promoting a new song, this time on TIKTOK because she’s already tried every thing else to go viral, and TikTok seems to be the place where songs go viral, so fingers crossed for her I guess.

I mean she’s been trying to get famous for her music for a long fucking time and was even signed to some serious labels, so you’d think she’d be a little closer to where she’s been trying to go, considering she’s at all the parties and in the industry, yet she just can’t break through.

Instead she posts her tits for clicks, she goes to events, she dates higher profile people than her, she hosts TV shows, she does spokesperson shit for random brands, she makes money…but no hits.

Where are the hits? With tits like this she should have tits cuz tits get hits. It is basic fucking math.

I will continue to support her in her quest….as she reaches for the top and keeps missing…cuz of them tits.

Rita Ora – Still Busty, Still Self Promoting of the Day March 11th, 2020