Jojo Touching Herself of the Day

Jojo is out here in the biggest fucking pair of panties ever. It’s like she just got a sex change and she’s trying to not set off the stitches getting snagged on some sexier panties, only she probably hasn’t had a sex change, maybe it’s just her period or maybe she’s like Sarah Hyland and Selena Gomez, a child star who got her kidneys banged out of her while trying to get famous for their parents.

Who fucking knows, but basically all girls are strippers, they just have different names for being strippers, because they look down on strippers, because girls are typically cunts…who like to be better or convince themselves that they are better than the other cunts, yet they are all the fucking same…thank god for that…

But that doesn’t deal with the issue at hand what’s with this monster sized panties, girls wear shorts sluttier than this…fuck Jojo…figure it out….did she get a hysterectomy? I don’t get it.

It’s like so slutty, pulled back and ruined with a silly prop like massive grandpa underwear.


Jojo Touching Herself of the Day March 16th, 2020