Ashley Benson Pussy Eater of the Day

Ashley Benson doing the Pussy Eater gesture that used to really offend any girl I would do the pussy eater gesture to… pretty fucking weird.

Is she just joking around about her sexual preferences. Is she mocking lesbians everywhere because she can. Is she even a fucking lesbian, because she’s probably not a lesbian and it’s all just some paparazzi act for some media hype….

Who fucking cares, it’s vulgar….which makes it great, even if you’d rather it be some dick sucking gestures. I’d expect some better technique, but at the same time these egotistical idiots are selfish loves who don’t really give as well as they take…I mean that’s a lazy pussy eating.

We will assume it her technique to not get the Coronavirus, you know build that immunity through toxic, diseased, vile cunt like Cara Delevingne pussy.


Ashley Benson Pussy Eater of the Day March 18th, 2020