Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I always planned on living through the apocalypse, or at least experiencing it in my lifetime, and I think that’s fucking awesome. I’d hate to have missed it like all those people who have died before these times. Losers. Missing out on all the fun.

I think dying together is a less stressful thing than dying alone, even though we are all alone, there’s just something more anonymous about it, maybe more romantic about it, maybe less pressure if millions of die and you’re one of the millions you sort of get lost in the crowd which is a good thing.

Not to mention, if any of the trendsetters die, will all the trend followers follow their leader? Or will new leaders come into place.

I can only hope at least one of them goes broke and their social media feed becomes some meltdown of survival, before Bill Gates turns off the internet because they are onto him and his plan to turn the 1st world into the 3rd world so he can 5G vaccine chip to mind control everyone left, while giving the climate time to recover from all we’ve put it through thanks in part to the help of microsoft software, from the 80 percent of the population that dies from this shit.

Plus the whole lack of food and money is great for a fat person’s health. Thin us all out…it’s uncomfortable, cold turkey but they’ve been prepping us with that fasting trend the last year…you know to teach you how to go without food to train you for this if you were listening, only all these influencers who were preaching it were all bullshit and hopefully the first to go cuz they weak fucks who spend their lives being self proclaimed influencers….Only those who comply will survive.

Here are some morning LINKS…

Sad Nurse Can’t Buy Food


Homemade Screw Tank


Tom Hanks is Feeling Better Despite What All THose Conspiracy Theorists Who Have Decided Hanks is a Pedo Want.


Hot Bitch with Adult Braces


Trailer for Midway Games


Canada Pulls Out of Summer Olympics


Miami Springbreakers Killin’ It


Ozark Season Three Trailer


Dog Jumps Over Fence


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day March 23rd, 2020