Jessica Alba’s TikTok of the Day


Jessica Alba has more people running through her home, than she’s had run through her pussy, during this quarantine….

I just scrolled her TikTok in finding shit to post, and saw that in the last week, she’s been with a different person in each.

I guess she doesn’t understand what quarantine is, maybe she doesn’t think there’s a real risk since she’s invincible or at least on the side of the ELITE with her billion dollar company, that there’s no real worry…they have the antidote or remedy or cure. It’s us peasants who have to be locked away and away from all people…while this bitch has backup dancers for her bullshit TikTok that I guess has gone viral cuz bitch is JESSICA ALBA…

The unfortunate thing in all this is that she’s above licking toilet seats for attention, but she might as well be as more and more dudes roll through her house like it was her pussy….maybe this is some CUCK situation…and the guy in the back is her BULL…who knows…but it’s irresponsible according to the government.

PS. TikTok is lame as fuck….so it’s nice to be reminded how lame these popculture pieces of shit are….

Jessica Alba’s TikTok of the Day March 26th, 2020