Dakota Fanning Short Shorts of the Day

Dakota Fanning is doing a little fitness in some weird jogging shorts and a sports bra for all you Dakota Fanning perverts, those of you who aren’t creeped out by her weirdness that we can assume her parents groomed her to be, back when they first made her a star.

I don’t know why celebrities, who normally command a lot of money are compelled to post workout videos of themselves. Is their dream to be the next Jane Fonda, you know a hobby they dabble in and can finally commit to thanks to the Pandemic. That acting shit just got in the way of that, or are all these fuckers greedy pigs who figure they can get that influencer money from brands instead of influencers getting that money since they are celebs and thus have more influence by default.

The world doesn’t like when people who aren’t selected by the big media empires get traction, so the last 5 years of instagram ads going to no names must have been very upsetting….but luckily they have puppets like Dakota ready to try to get eyeballs on her…she’s fit, she’s strong enough for one pound weights and she’s ready to take your brand deals….as society resets itself to benefit the elite.


Dakota Fanning Short Shorts of the Day March 27th, 2020