J.Lo Spreading COVOID-19 at her Gym of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Gym Covid

Remember J.Lo is above the law…

I don’t know if stay at home orders are really being implemented in Miami Beach where she lives, but I do know that when you’re rich and famous, or just rich really, your world becomes designed by your rules.

So in J.Lo’s case, Gym closures don’t apply. Gym owners do what their star clients tell them, plus they can get a nice kickback depending on how desperate the rich and famous are.

What’s 25k or whatever J.Lo bribed the guy to make the gym exclusive to J.Lo to workout in….when revenues are at 0. So I get it.

PLUS, J.Lo NEEDS the gym to maintain her troll on aging. Her health and wellness / her vanity is more important to her than following the rules or risking catching a virus….

She gotta keep the lie that she’s not in her 50s, and that she’s hot alive and she’ll die, or put others at risk for that….

Point of the story, it’s good to be rich, because you get to be an asshole!


J.Lo Spreading COVOID-19 at her Gym of the Day April 2nd, 2020