Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Bat shaming! So much bat shaming. No one cares about the bats.

The nice thing about quarantine, besides how easy the government can control you, take alway your livlihood, and take a hard working provider and turn him into a dick-less pussy…who just complies with the government…instead of taking their rifle to their place of work and standing there in a “You can take my tax dollars, but you can’t take my freedoms”….

As far as I’m concerned, the Government taking away your right to open your store, if you want to risk getting a virus, is fucking insanity…but they did it and all it took was 50 years of Hollywood end of the world action movies to make you think “I’m living in a movie, finally, it’s my dream, I’ve always wanted to be that Jennifer Lawrence girl”…..faggot.

The nice thing about the quarantine, is that we can all be the poor fat kid in elementary school who stinks of poverty from wearing the same sweatpants and dirty underwear for weeks at a time…you know, you can smell your own ass just sitting…it’s gross but why bother changing.

I know you probably never wanted to be that guy, and if you were that guy you’d never allow yourself to be that again now they you make your own money, at least before the government said “Let’s use this to trim the fat, even bankrupt big business to erase debt, to allow them to start fresh when all this is over!!, only now with more suckers dependent on the government!”….

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but as a survival of the fittest, die if you gonna die kind of guy, I think quarantine is the worst thing to do for a virus. We need herd immunity, so 80 percent of you need to drive to the hospital now, and lick some door handles, stair railings, etc.

And while you do that, here are some stepLINKS in the Morning…

People should be allowed to work, or conduct your business! If people want to give you business, if they don’t Don’t trust Big Brother.

Crazy video shows Ezra Miller choking fan!


Some Babe named Miluniel Nude!


So, The Anonymous Sent A Message To Bill Gates


Pilot Drops The Absolutely Perfect Water Skipping Bomb!


Miley Cyrus and boyfriend bring tacos to medical team


Probably The Worst Amazon Delivery Person Ever


Gordon Ramsay Gets Shocked By Steve O Making A Southern Omelette!


Funniest Encounter Between A Real Cop And A Fake Cop!


Who Said Potheads Aren’t Absolute Geniuses?!


Pigs in Paris…


Danielle Herrington’s Savage by Fenty Lingerie Shoot!


How To Have Fun With An Empty Charcoal Bag on Quarantine..


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day April 6th, 2020