Britney Spears Weird Selfies of the Day

The nice thing about Britney Spears is that she’s been living in quarantine and self isolation since her dad managed to get control over her. All it took was an episode that involved her shaving her head like a lunatic, something I am sure is happening to anyone who is self quarantining the way Britney Has been all these years, legitimately alone…but based on looking outside all you motherfuckers are still hanging out, having dinner parties, socializing, fucking, etc….because disease doesn’t spread to those who are too stubborn to believe they can get the disease….

I am not going into conspiracy shit, or what this is about, I am just saying that I don’t think anyone is actually losing their mind because they live so detached from real life anyway…this is just the closing of the loop of living through your avatar on your phone…all your friends are accessible, and you don’t have to leave the house, it’s awesome….while someone like Britney, who has been alone, like legitimately alone, with a family who uses her…knows a thing or two about Quarantine…


Britney Spears Weird Selfies of the Day April 7th, 2020