Online sex work is through the fucking roof, reaching new highs, as people get more and more desperate for cash and realize getting naked on the internet is their true fucking calling…
So ass the masses try to recruit subscribers, they use social media and reddit and other sites to try to find people to pay them monthly, despite their posting their nudes every fucking day on these platforms.
I guess guys like to feel they are helping, they like the one on one experience, it’s their way to feel like a baller sugar daddy, even though you are one of 1000s.
Point being, one of the popular “LOOK AT ME NOW” trends, along with being a sex worker, if not now than when, it’s the perfect storm for you to launch your career as transactional masturbation….is the On / Off..
Simple, girl in clothes, girl out of clothes, compare.
Some people say the clothing makes them look better, I personally like to know what is hiding under the clothing and these are some of the best On/Offs being produced of the week.