Fat Fuck Ariel Winter at the Grocery Store of the Day

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart…..

Ariel Winter, despite being thin for about 5 months, is a fat fuck….and when you’re a fat fuck emotional eater, the only place you care to go is the Grocery Store….

When there is a Global Pandemic and threats of a food shortage…and you’re a fat fuck emotional eater due to all that childhood trauma in being a child star on a sitcom…you stock the fuck up.

I love when she goes to the grocery store to fuck herself up like it’s a drug, because to her, it’s like a drug…because I can scan her bags…

What I see in today’s order, which looks like a big order, even though she just did one last week…is the BIGGEST box of OREOS that her fat ass will sit on the couch and eat…important and nutritious foods for some broken cunt who is now out of work, but rich, so that she doesn’t have that pressure to not eat her fucking face off.

Who the fuck even eats Oreos as an adult, especially when you are rich and can have fresh cookies baked and delivered for you.

This is some emotional eating, fat girl with eating disorder binge and purge moves….I mean she’s fucking sloppy, while not even being old enough to be sloppy…EAT THE SUGAR BITCH…

She’s too young to have a body like this, but hey, if it’s a Global Pandemic, there is no better excuse to gain 40-60 fucking pounds…her her dumpy 50 year old mom lookin’ ass. What a fucking pig.

To see the rest of the fat pics CLICK HERE

Fat Fuck Ariel Winter at the Grocery Store of the Day April 13th, 2020