Cayley King Slutty of the Day

Cayley King Sexy

Cayley King is some weird faced but trending model and these are her quarantine looks FROM HER INSTAGRAM

What’s with the jeans girl, isn’t the whole point of quarantine to be pantsless everyday…and if you’re going to wear pants…make sure they are elastic band pants so that you can fit all your snacks in…but she’s already busting out of her bra so I guess she doesn’t need ssnacks…

She’s some 23 year old who was dating Cindy Crawford’s son, which for an aspiring model is smart moves…and who fucking cares, just look at the tit in a bra for her Quarantine looks because all I care about is that these girls of any caliber and any level in her career or success curve…is being slutty in some capacity or another because THAT is what matters.


Cayley King Slutty of the Day April 15th, 2020