Brie Larson’s Hard Nipples in a White Tank Top of the Day

Brie Larson is evil…I actually don’t know why I specifically hate Brie Larson, it’s probably because she’s a fucking scam that for some reason was created by the industry, and I feel she should have never actually existed.

She’s just someone who has wanted fame so fucking bad that she started at this at a young age, doing shitty music acts and other garbage that was in fact garbage and should have got her laughed out of town…but instead got her a famous boyfriend who she could mooch off until it was all figured out for her..

It was all figured out for her when she did ROOM, where she played a captive bitch that ANY actor could have pulled off. I mean when you’re in a room freaking out being held captive, it’s pretty EASY work…but they bought her an Oscar because they needed a new starlet and chose her to be that starlet and before long…she dumbed her boyfriend she mooched off of, landed a comic book movie, any reputable actor who isn’t there for the cashing the fuck out’s dream, and now is positioned as a top star…despite being dog shit.

Hollywood has no fucking standards….get this trash out of here…


Brie Larson’s Hard Nipples in a White Tank Top of the Day April 28th, 2020