Hailee Steinfeld’s Wild Pushed Up Tits in Some Clickbait Porn of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld must be promoting a new album, becasue along with her shitty acting from shitty movies, she’s also a pop starlet…..

I guess her agents and managers realized that there was more money in song and dance than make-belief in movies so use the movies to get celebrity, use the celebrity to sell concerts, downloads, royalties on streaming apps and MERCH.

I don’t know the economics of celebrities, but I do know that unless you’re getting the hefty backend checks on an X-Men type comic blockbuster movie, or you have crazy star power that makes you 10 million a movie or more, the whole acting thing pays, but not that much in comparison to music.

The whole acting thing is just good to get you on the map and to give you that platform to brainwash people with your bullshit.

I don’t know why her big play is to pull down her pants and show the top of her panties…that match her bra and hat…in some weirdly asian outfit…I just know her tits are busting out and that may be all I need to know.

Her dad is a fitness trainer, her uncle us a celebrity fitness trainers, yet she’s barely toned because we live in an world where you don’t have to be. Dumpy and lazy is ok thanks to photoshop, but you’re all so conditioned to fat dumpy chicks that this is tight and fit to you…but her dad is a fitness trainer and her uncle a celebrity fitness trainer…I expect more.

On her uncle:

Steinfeld develops brands and businesses as Chairman and CEO of Body by Jake. Previously, Steinfeld created FitTV, a 24-hour fitness lifestyle network, which he later sold to News Corp. Following the sale of FitTV, Jake launched ExerciseTV, a fitness on-demand television network, with partners Comcast, New Balance, and Time Warner.

Steinfeld co-founded Major League Lacrosse (MLL), the first professional outdoor lacrosse league, in 2001. MLL has six franchises in North America; the championship trophy is named the Steinfeld Cup.

And this is the body we get? Pretty disappointing really. But tits.

Hailee Steinfeld’s Wild Pushed Up Tits in Some Clickbait Porn of the Day April 27th, 2020