Jessica Alba Pussy Dance of the Day

Jessica Alba is still a big deal, I guess. I mean she’s a billionaire tech entrepreneur thanks to using her name when it was still relevant, despite her never having an actual respectable acting career, she was hot and that was what mattered.

The important takeaway from Jessica Alba’s career is that if you’re a hot chick, you can get anything you want, even a tech based brand….

She’s also got a TikTok where she takes her 40 year old mom of 4 ass to dance in a bikini like she doesn’t have herpes and I figure old ladies dancing is hardly that exciting, but when they are hollywood and take care of themselves, despite the whole herpes thing, it’s more interesting than them rocking their activewear…

You may not know you appreciate the high waisted bottoms, but YOU do respect the high wasited because of the mom of 4 thing…

Then there’s the whole TikTok is a Chinese Spyware app, that I guess hired this whore, because she is a whore, she gets paid to sell bullshit to people, which is what whores do….so she’s perpetuating that…despite national security…telling all her 40 year old fans they should be tracked by CHINA too, because China is the future America or some shit…and probably where she manufactures her brand….Honest…is the last thing you should think a person is who calls their brand HONEST…it’s a BAIT AND SWITCH…watch out for this one…

The only good thing about this is that her shit stains from having her ass banged out along the way during those herpes outbreaks is don’t show….


Jessica Alba Pussy Dance of the Day April 27th, 2020