Naughty Nurses of the Day

Nurses on the front lines of the fake COVID crisis are the true heroes.

Especially when they get naked on the internet to celebrate all the love and attention they get.

I mean people are honking and banging pots and pans at 7 pm everyday in parts of Canada to let nurses know they matter….

Which I guess gets deep into their egos, and makes them feel invincible, so they get naked on the internet as people do when they feel at the top of their game. confidence man….

The fake COVID crisis isn’t isn’t to say the virus is a scam, I’m sure it’s a real virus, it is just to say all the data is confusing, the reason for the virus or how the virus was handled confusing, the fear mongering top notch, and since I don’t trust the government or the media ever, and since I assume the government is slow moving and probably covering up a fuck up, while liking their new position as BIG BROTHER with the best excuse to BIG BROTHER… I fall into more of what they’d call a conspiracy theorist than just accepting things at face value.

You should never accept things at face value, or listen and believe what TV is telling you but you should also never believe what the internet is telling you.

What isn’t fake news, or lies, or misguided information, is girls getting naked on the internet….

So, these are the heroes of the last few months according to the media that lies to us, but the real heroes are the ones getting naked to deal with being heroes.

Naughty Nurses of the Day May 1st, 2020