Ireland Baldwin in a Bikini of the Day

Big girl Ireland Baldwin’s out here in a bikini, still trying to position herself in this Social Media world.

Which is a weird concept to me, why seek validation and acceptance from strangers? When you’re already rich and have nothing to work for, is it a new form of currency?

Like her generation is so useless that they put that much value on social media clout and audience instead of doing something that actually matters? Their goal is to be the hot half naked bitch on instagram amongst hundreds of thousands of girls doing the same thing? Or is it just a rush to post bikini pics and get likes, like just a hobby or a sideline reinforcement. Since they are rich, it’s like “why not, what else is there to do”…while there is so much more fulfilling shit to do…

I get that it is just a bikini pic, but she probably spent 5 hours getting it done, with 100s of shots that she photoshops….and I’m not complaining, I’ll look at the big girl, or any girl in a bikini shoot.

I am just saying all these women who want respect could be doing so much fucking more with their time than this. It’s almost pathetic of them….but I’m conflicted, as much as I hate it, life would be more dull without it.

Ireland Baldwin in a Bikini of the Day May 7th, 2020