Rose McGowan Tit Slip of the Day

Rose McGowan may be a nut job on some other level of crazy, which I am sure is partially because she likes the attention she gets from the shit she says, but also it could be based on what she’s seen or been exposed to being a set of tits in Hollywood a few decades ago.

She’s still got those tits out! Tits I first remember jerking off to in Doom Generation, which was a Gregg Araki movie that I think changed my perspective on movies. It was the 90s and it was weird. I am sure it would be shit if I was to watch it now, but back then it was enlightening for someone like me to see movies like that get made, but I was more into the tits in that movie…these tits 25 or more years later.

I don’t listen or care to her politics or campaigning. I find all that dumb and realize that anyone who was raised in the Children of God cult is a fucking nutcase, it was a pedophilic cult and that doesn’t usually end well for the kids.

But I will stare at the tits!

I am still a Free Harvey supporter and that doesn’t mean I support convicted rapists or that I am starting a go fund me. I feel like he was a patsy, or that they made an example out of him. Most of these girls allowed him to be a creep and didn’t say not to the creep but years later decide to take him down for being a creep…

There is no denying that he was a creep, but it was accepted then, not accepted now, as a fat guy who suddenly had access to all the pussy around, knowing how gross he was, and thus taking advantage of them putting themselves in that position to get some of his gold only to decide that it wasn’t a crime then, but it is a crime now, so you gotta do the time for the crime now, even if it was socially accepted then. It’s just so crazy.

It’s not victim blaming to say all of these girls could have said no, but didn’t because they thought it would get them ahead, and it didn’t so when opportunity knocks…

In the last 5 years the whole over sensitive to anything remotely sexual, while being more sexual than ever…it’s just dumb, confusing, and saying that whores are whores is not saying you’re anti feminist, not a feminist, or pro rape…it just means my idea of rape differs than theirs.

ANYWAY, I don’t listen to McGowan, I stare at her tits, and this is about her tits, not her insanity, because she’s insane.

Rose McGowan Tit Slip of the Day May 14th, 2020