Emma Roberts Fried Chicken Bikini of the Day

Emma Roberts is out there eating friend chicken, risking all the backlash from the uptight entitled social justice warrior vegans to shit on her, in what is hilariously considered and edgy post in a “you eat meat” being enough to set off a whole generation of fucking idiots….

But then there’s the whole TV show or Youtube channels based on celebs eating Chicken wings, so maybe the whole Hip Hop, Streetwear industry of faggots are down with chicken…who fucking cares…

I find Emma Roberts hot so seeing her in a bathing suit doing anything with her mouth works for me…I am all about the celebrity kids, especially when the celebs are barely celebs and barely their dads…making a perfect storm of weird…until Julia Roberts steps in and pulls through for the family, setting her for life…

Now I know you’d rather see her eat her chicken with her vagina dentata but that’s not happening here, it’s a take what you get situation.


Emma Roberts Fried Chicken Bikini of the Day May 26th, 2020