Some On/OFF of the Day

Since celebrities and influencers are fucking annoying while making racism about them, telling us to let voices be heard, while using their voice to overpower those voices being heard, by telling us to let voices be heard….

I’m more into the girls of other social platforms getting naked because their hustle must go on and their only fans subscribers are waiting….so they don’t. bother with vanity political bullshit that they may care about, or may not care about, since most those celebs and influencers are just sheep bullshitting you in doing what they think is right or what they think makes sense, instead of realizing they may be getting rooked into some other evil agenda presented as change and progress by the very people who have set the current system in place over the last 100 years….

Point being, girls still out there getting nude and here’s some ON/OFFs….to celebrate the real fucking heroes….

Some On/OFF of the Day June 5th, 2020