Inbar Lavi Panties of the Day

I don’t really know anything about Inbar Lavi, I’m told she’s an Israeli actress living in LA, but I can’t be too sure because googling it would require effort, when I am just here to say she’s clearly over the Black Lives Matter protests she doesn’t actually care about, she’s from Israel and has her own racism to deal with….but she did post a black square and shout out her one black friend that she refers to as a “Soul Sister” which as far as I’m concerned is a racist thing and if I was so inclined to be an internet personality, I’d hit the streets and ask every black chick I see if she’s my “soul sister” to see how she responds to it…but clearly if Inbar is hanging with this soul sister, she plays up the white thing, white washing herself because that’s what black people in white worlds do….just ask any black person you know what their phone voice is when they are applying for a job….

Anyway, I don’t care about Inbar Lavi’s politics, I barely care about her half nudes…but I’ll post them here because they speak Hebrew and we like to celebrate, or tear down women of all ethnicities, religions, crees and colors…because that’s what we do….race is usually the last factor in tearing these people down…their whore behavior is usually the first…morally void…pieces of shit.


Inbar Lavi Panties of the Day June 12th, 2020