Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Did ya’ll see that Howard Stern racist clip , if he survives that one and doesn’t get cancelled by SIRIUS and AGT, then you know there’s some favoritism going on because that’s the most racist shit I’ve seen….and more importantly, it’s not even funny…and I’m all for good racist jokes if they are good since this whole PC shit has been such a shit stain on fun…and controversial shit is awesome….but I figure if you’re cancelling everyone, cancel fucking everyone….

That said, for the longest time I thought I was a non-violent psychopath because everyone around me would tell me that I lack empathy because I didn’t care about saying mean shit to people….and I still don’t care about saying mean shit about people.

I always assumed if I say mean shit to people, it’s on me and if they take it badly, it’s on them.

I’ve been doing the site daily for 15 years, so over the years, a lot of whiners have surfaced crying about how meanspirited I am. Even TMZ got mad I called Paul Walker a Sex Offender because they are owned by Warner Bros who own Fast and the Furious and didn’t like me laughing about their dead star and his 15 year old wife….

I have just always assumed if you had any type of spine, you wouldn’t be offended by some random drunk guy being an asshole and if you did get offend, you had deeper rooted issues that I was just triggering.

People say violent and mean shit to me all the fucking time in retaliation to shit I say, you know cuz I brew negativity and appeal to other assholes and other assholes like to be assholes too…and I just don’t care…it doesn’t bother me…so I guess I assume other people wouldn’t care…especially celebs but they are all weak fucks who write shit like “IDGAF (I don’t give a fuck)” but actually give a fuck…

As it turns out, I’m not a non-violent psychopath, just an asshole pervert who likes convincing girls to send nudes….only to be called a creep for trying to convince girls to send nudes…before this era of all girls sending nudes on their public FACEBOOK owned IG…..but the point of my story is to remind you in these times of shaming that anyone who blames YOU for the feelings they get from anything YOU do or say about them or some other bullshit like a trending fake activism thing….it’s on them, not on you. You aren’t responsible for other people’s feelings so stop being a giant fucking pussy and start telling people to fuck themselves if they are idiots instead of trying to have these fake intellectual debates….

Long gone are the days of “suck my dick faggot” as a rebuttal to any internet argument, and we should go back to that…a simpler time of us hating each other the right way…not this fucking New School, New Age, Liberal Arts conversation we are all having…”suck my dick faggot”…is the only ammo you need in your trolling arsenal…

Now, I’m not influential enough for anything, but if at least one of you goes back to “suck my dick faggot” as your answer to everything that annoys you….I’ve helped shape society into a better fucking place….

Here are some morning steplinks, click them, or suck my dick you faggot.

Olympic Boxer Ginny Fuchs Ingested Two Banned Substances During Unprotected Sex


Rosie’s Daughter Says She was Drugged while Rosie’s like WTF?


Kim Garner has Such a Hot Body but No Social Media Fame


Genevieve Morton Throwback Bikini Photoshoot


Paris Hilton’s Sex Tape Partner has a Hot Daughter


The Bill and Ted Trailer is Hilarious


Family Tries to Get a Free Meal – Faking a Hair in their Food.


Girl in Short Shorts Fails when Throwing her Mom’s Ashes into the Sea


Truck with the Biggest Pay Load Ever


Kung Fu Grandpa is Killing It


Girl Struggles to Filler her Ass Up with Sharpies


Get Some Tropical Print Masks!




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day June 12th, 2020