Sara Sampaio Got Them Tits On of the Day

Sara Sampaio is doing some famewhoring, as all the other celebs this weekend were also doing, because I guess they all got paid by this restaurant called CATCH to have EVERY celebrity show up last night without their masks because restaurants are over and COVID was a fucking scam.

No masks, not COVID, no problem….we’re all a bunch of fucking idiots who have been manipulated by the fucking MAN…for whatever the fucking agenda was. Just look at the people who got rich off COVID and you’ll find the answer I guess….

That said, Sampaio may or may not be pregnant, but she’s definitely looking a lot like Tom Hanks, they are both Portuguese…IBERIAN PENINSULA brotherhood or some shit…and looking at her….makes me really question how she got cast by Epstein’s biggest ally – Victoria’s Secret.

The world is pure fucking corruption.


Sara Sampaio Got Them Tits On of the Day June 15th, 2020