Obviously everything going on right now seems to be about the Black Lives Matter Movement, as people of social media feel compelled to apologize for being white, vapid, entitled fucking idiots after posting a black square in the most lazy and passive way….then there’s the celebs who hopped on the trend to try to do their best “activist” performance to feel like they are part of something they don’t understand, basically being racist in the process, further dividing the nation as the media monetizes the fuck out of the whole thing, while certain areas de-monetize the police force…instead of giving them more funding for better training…maybe make cops have actual degrees rather than a technical college certificate…make them lawyers first….
I am not here to care because I actually don’t care and you don’t care and the people who pretend to care don’t are….we all have fucking problems, the cops aren’t nice to anyone, and they are corrupt above the law brotherhood….because that’s the way it fucking works, and if you don’t like it…become a cop…get in there…make a change…or just accept it….
But if you’re hot, maybe you should take this girl’s lead and protest the right fucking way….thong and twerking…cuz it’s hot.