Rainey Qualley Nudes of the Day

rainey qualley slutty sexy Nudes

Rainey Qualley is the slutty Andie Macdowell creation. She is not the dude-looking daughter who was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood because her mom is Andie Macdowell….but this one’s still a nepotism hire perpetuating WHITE RICH FUCKS IN HOLLYWOOD PRIVILEGE which for whatever reason isn’t being cancelled.

This bitch rocks her record deal and management and agents hard….she pretends she’s all down to earth and backwoods country because she was raised as the rich cunts in Asheville near the Great Smokey mountains…acting like she was a coal miner’s daughter….so her music is supposed to have some sort of soul, despite her having no soul thanks to being coddled.

The sad thing in all this is that she probably plays up the Black Lives Matter thing, all these idiots do, yet actual deserving black talent is working at the fucking fast food joint singing to their family and friends, because rich white celebrity kids under the age of 32, like this one, are assholes taking their spots….they think that just because they cry “Black Lives Matter” they mean it, or they are open minded to it, or not racists….when the reality is white talent doesn’t need talent to get ahead, they need famous or rich parents…while black talent really needs to be top fucking notch to get ahead…which explains why music these days sucks…everyone is some undeserving entitled fuck pulling a scam.

All this to say, I like her attempt to market her skinny self, tits out, ass out…but she’s not hot and she’s garbage taking up room that should be reserved for actual talent but that goes to these idiots.

I don’t care about the white people crying the whole place Lives matter things, especially people like this…it’s a joke…but they believe their hype as does all their bullshit IG fans and followers…it’s just so fucking silly to me…

But the marketing approach is good.

Here are her nipples

Here is her walk of shame!



Rainey Qualley Nudes of the Day June 22nd, 2020