Frontline Workers Being Inappropriate of the Day

I guess these women don’t fear getting fired, since they are in high demand, because I am a dinosaur aged pervert and remember a time that women would fear losing their job if their nudes ever leaked, so they’d never bother sending them in case it would backfire knowing dudes are perverts who pass the nudes around like some kind of conquest…..

They probably make more money selling their nudes than they do being nurses, but selling nudes takes 10 minutes a day, what else are they to do with their time, not to mention if they only sell nudes they are officially a sex worker and that 2 year technical college class diploma would be a total waste of time, plus being a nurse comes with benefits, health insurrance maybe even a pension contribution…it’s a solid job…one that is needed as the world continues to test positive for a disease that I would argue isn’t the worst disease humanity has faced and not just because humans are the virus on this earth…but because anyone I know who has had it is like “It’s pretty chill”…but none are living in nursing homes so maybe they have the luxury of not fearing the COVID… no one fears the covid as they all partied, protested and whatever else has been going on the last few months of who gives a fuck about a pandemic…well these babes and not so babe babes give a fuck about the pandemic…they are finally seen as heroes and not janitors and that’s exciting for them….it brings them the confidence they need to keep up the nudity I guess…


Frontline Workers Being Inappropriate of the Day June 29th, 2020