Maya Hawke Stripping of the Day

Ya’ll know that I am a big fan of the hilariousness of the celebrity spawns. Some are far less annoying, dare I say even cool, because they’ve been raised in this bubble…while others are the fucking worst.

Maya Hawke sort of walks that FINE line of she could be garbage, but she’s got tits, which alone give her a level of entitlement in everything she does, amplified by her dad being legend Ethan Hawke and her mom being Man Hand Uma Thurman, I guess also a legend whether I thought she was worth jerking off to over the years or not is pretty irrelevant.

That said, Maya’s got that entitlement you’d expect to be an actress too, maybe she’s been trained to act by her parents who probably are irritating types that think acting is a legit talent and skill set, rather just nonsense…that I am sure is VERY easy to do when you get over the whole being shy from feeling like a total asshole trying to act.

So, the girl who’s lived a life none of us understand is acting, trying to make a name for herself, using her dad’s last name while doing it, and more importantly, she’s being put to good use, since her best physical trait is her tits, so they’ve got her out here with her tits out…

Under the circumstances, she doesn’t annoy me.


Maya Hawke Stripping of the Day July 14th, 2020