Dog Faced Nina Agdal Bikini of the Day

Nina Agdal Bikini

The older Nina Agdal gets the shittier her face gets which is funny because she had a shitty face to begin with. I used to say that she looked like a retard, full retard, I guess you can’t say retard anymore….so I’ll say WATERHEAD or CORKY or DOWNSEY….but I realized she actually looks like the dog filter from Snapchat and I am here waiting for her tongue to stick out when she tries to smile….the same tongue that may have licked Leo Dicaprios unshowered asshole because if you were Leo DiCaprio dating some bottom feeding SI garbage, you’d make her eat your shit caked asshole too….and the best thing about it is that she’d do it…nothing to crazy for a loser trying to live that awesome celeb life.

That said, she met Christie Brinkley’s rich as shit son at some SI event and has managed to mooched her way into their Hamptons house, because that’s what sugar babies do….the model son rather than the pro athlete…whatever works….I am sure both are better than when she used to sit in the corner of the playground in her helmet hitting rocks together, rocking back and forth as she drooled…

This bitch is some dog shit….with a dog face…and she’s old….put her to pasture…Old Yeller.


Dog Faced Nina Agdal Bikini of the Day July 15th, 2020