Charlotte McKinney in a Bikini Top of the Day

Big titty Charlotte McKinney is finally out in a bikini top….showing off what got her on Dancing with the Stars when Dancing with the Stars were scrambling to figure out how to get the younger audience to watch their shitty show, only to realize that casting “influeners’ that most people don’t give a fuck about, despite their big tits, wasn’t the fucking answer…so they have fired the host and brought on Tyra Banks in their most recent attempt of “we don’t know what the fuck we are doing despite our huge budgets, this internet thing that is actually super easy to manipulate, just isn’t something we are able to manipulate”….

Point being, never has there been a titty model, who only had following thanks to being early to show off her big tits on instagram, decide she’s above showing off her tits, because she wants to be a legit model or personality, maybe even an actor or something…and not just a set of tits, even though if she had embraced being a titty model that people are only into for her tits and had fun with it, instead of turn her back on it, she’d be 100 times further ahead than where she is….it’s like don’t alienate your audience if you have an audience, even though I’d alienate my audience if I had an audience, but I’m not here trying to get relevant…I’m the kind of guy who thinks it is funny when I used to offend my followers enough lose them…back when I had a twitter before they deleted me..but you get what I am saying…USE THE TITS, they are Nature’s insurance policy that you’ll be OK.


Charlotte McKinney in a Bikini Top of the Day July 20th, 2020