Vanessa Hudgens is Back to Promoting her Slutty Self of the Day

Earlier in the year, Vanessa Hudgens who most people forgot about, was dumped by her boyfriend after he was cast to play Elvis and realized he doesn’t need to use her anymore and can pave the way for himself, while being buried in hot pussy that isn’t this old hag, overbearing, probably controlling far too familiar pussy. They were together for a decade or something so it was safe to say she was the star, he was the arm candy, but when he saw his escape he took it.

I guess that fucked with Hudgens on a deep level, her boy toy no longer with her, forced to prove to herself and the world that at 30 she still had what it took to get dick, and it started a series of slutty pics, until she wrongfully cried that Coachella was cancelled on her profile, despite there being a pandemic, and her “THIRSTY” look how slutty I can be if I want it, like she learned at Disney, because activism…

So for a solid month, the puppet has been pushing some racist agenda that may not be racist, but that I think does more harm that good and is being pushed aggressively by non black people, in an appropriating the plight of the black man to further divide the country…and at least one black person I know has told me the whole thing is racist…

So she’s been out here fighting for the rights of George Floyd and shit, forgetting to be a slut, slowing on the slut content and I’m sure her team has struggled to get her back on track with the slutty content that put her back on the map…so amongst her BRAVE black square bullshit activism from her mansion, she’s snuck in a few “look at my titties” bikini pics…adn this is one of them…so that you don’t have to stomach whatever the fuck her team is putting up for her at the request of her agents, her Disney team and all the other manipulative fucks that control these puppets…

Vanessa Hudgens is Back to Promoting her Slutty Self of the Day July 20th, 2020