Charlotte Lawrence Nude Bikini of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence is some lame ass rich kid who has a celebrity mom and thus thinks she’s got what it takes to be a celebrity too and I guess she does because celebrity is meaningless and requires little to no skill, it really just comes down to who you know and how much of a narcissistic asshole who doesn’t get embarrassed doing whatever it is they do, because of being that narcissistic asshole. Plus, when you’re parents are in the industry, your coddled ass gets to cut the line and gets you right where you want to be…with none of that pesky “work” or “hustle’ or “struggle”….

Her mom, Christa Miller, who was the lesbian Kate on the Drew Carey show, who I’m hoping none of ya’ll jerked off to, but assume ya’ll jerked off to, because it was the 90s and in simpler times we had to make due with what we had to jerk off to, including female sports, sitcoms, soap opera sex scenes and Jerry Springer.

So thanks to her mom being that, she’s being this, whatever this is….and the best thing about her, the only redeeming quality about her, is that her “team” that I am sure was her, wrote me in what I’d consider half english but probably just Millennial Emoji speak to take down some photoshoot of hers a while ago, so we’ll assume she hates us….a very negative, but comfortable place to be…when really we’re just trying to have fun here starting at the bikini tits of some celebrity’s kid….the way nature intended.


Charlotte Lawrence Nude Bikini of the Day August 3rd, 2020