Nathalie Kelley Nude of the Day

Nathalie Kelley is a Peruvian / Australian actress from a Fast and Furious movie that I have never seen, because I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are two kinds of people in the world, those who watch Fast and Furious and those who don’t, I am one of those who don’t.

She got her start in 2005, when Aaron Spelling created some show called MERMAID, where she played a mermaid rescued by a young man when she washed ashore in Miami, you know a tale as old as time….and by tale as old as time, I mean what kind of bullshit did they spend millions of dollars producing a pilot for, what pervert exec signed off on that nonsense…

ANYWAY, she more recently in Dynasty based on the original, a CW show as a main character….and is now in something called The Baker and the Beauty…it’s an ABC show based on an Israeli show and it should like dog shit…

Nathalie Kelley is showing you her ass on a rock, so we can probably all agree that this is her best work to date, which isn’t saying much, but more ass on instagram is a good thing.


Nathalie Kelley Nude of the Day August 4th, 2020