Chanel West Coast Bikini of the Day

Chanel West Coast Bikini

Chanel Westcoast is a 31 year old hag who sucked Rob Dyrdek’s skateboard dick to get on his MTV show that was a hit when MTV still mattered..

She’s got the look of a stripper with a shitty fake ass, because we live in an era of fake asses everywhere, all they do is suck that fat out of that stomach and repurpose it in places that need the fat….it’s pretty funny that a bitch is that insecure about herself or that lazy that she won’t bother doing some booty fitness and eat well to make a great ass from the ground up…it’s easier to pay 1000 dollars to some bargain basement orange county day spa..

She pretends to be a rapper, people only respond to pics of her ass, because she’s that kind of rapper, one who will never outshine her fake ass, which I guess should feel rewarding to her because she wasted her money buying that fake ass, she might as well get some positive feedback, like an old guy who gets his dream convertible getting some looks on the street or some kids into cars taking selfies next to it, you know that affirmation that you done good.

That said, her ass could also just be the way she photoshops herself….because all this instagram content is photoshopped…who cares…Chanel Westcoast is basically a zero in relevance so I should have just posted this with an emoji or something, my hand too arthritic to write about some washed up never was – has been….who I doubt has any actual fans.


Chanel West Coast Bikini of the Day August 5th, 2020