Em RatCow Tits On a Bike of the Day

EmRata Bikini

Emily Ratajkowski is still an overrated troll of the internet who tricked ya’ll into thinking she’s famous, amassing a HUGE audience….because she’s a prime example of a girl with tits, who used those tits to get as much attention as she can, only to convince herself, or be reaffirmed that she’s more than tits….throwing a good mix of “empowerment” and feminism in the fire to justify her actions that would be best described as clickbait….and why the fuck not…she’s made so much money, had so many experiences random girls of equal hotness will never know…take it while you can…

I figure she got in at a weird time when people went viral on social media because there wasn’t much competition. Not every single girl from the barista to the stripper were running social media hustles….so it probably could could have been any tits that went viral….but at the same time there were other girls in the Robin Thicke video and no one gives a fuck about them, racists, but in their defence, they didn’t have great tits like Rat Cow does.

Brands threw millions at her, and I guess when that happens you start to believe the hype, because you NEED to believe the hype, otherwise you’d have to admit you’re a hack that was just in the right place at the right time with the right great tits and NO ONE wants to think that low of themselves….but at the same time, maybe she laughs about it at night thinking she won at life and all it took was a little hustle and a lot of tit….which she conveniently came equipped with….assuming they are real, but even if they aren’t, she was equipped with them.

For the most part, overpaid tits are the worst kind of tits….because they get an ego, when the underpaid tits are more appreciative….so here she is trying to get that paparazzi to draw some attention to herself as she continues to think she’s a celebrity…in an era where everyone is a celebrity that’s not really saying much…but she’s keeping the hustle alive…which works out nice to her fans because….those are some tits…and whether you like her, her face, her overall relatively boring vibe or not…TITS!!

EmRata Bikini


Em RatCow Tits On a Bike of the Day August 6th, 2020