EmRatCow Pussy Hole Playing Ball of the Day

Em Rata is getting pretty brave, I mean she’s going out there for her hired paparazzi to get some legitimate press in the legitimate tabloids who like to post up celebrity bikini pics to their sites for the views…..I can relate.

I know what you’re thinking, how could that be bravery, all she’s doing is going out there in a bikini, which as a nude model who is known for being nude, is actually more clothed than she usually is when trying to get attention.

But the reason it is brave is because all these girls photoshop the fuck out of themselves, even when playing the whole feminism card, or the whole down with the patriarchy despite having had sex with Kanye but more interestingly David Fincher AND Ben Affleck to get in the movie she did with them….a rumor that I’ve been told is truth from an industry insider…and I wouldn’t care if it was true or not…I mean I’m sure you’d even fuck Ben Affleck for a part in a movie…and you’re a dude…because that’s life changing shit, stamp of approval shit, plus he’s Ben Affleck and we all need to get AIDS at least once….right?

Anyway…she’s out here in a skimpy bikini that from my perspective looks like her pussy may be sticking it’s tongue out as us, as pussies do when they are saying “you can’t have me, but you can jerk off to me, just use google”….some school yard mocking you’re likely used to because the hot chicks don’t like you…

Now, I am a firm believer that EmRata is a lot of hype, a lot of legacy of going viral early on IG and no one cares about her, but I can see her ass from the front and that’s always a way to redeem yourself….the only downer is that she’s not rocking a full fucking bush like she should be after all those feminism claims…but yeah, for not being photoshopped, this is the best she’s looked in a while, so she’s bringing it…or maybe she’s just looking good from far….but far from good…distorted by the zoom lens or whatever…either way….good old fashioned bikini paparazzi pics for you…


EmRatCow Pussy Hole Playing Ball of the Day August 10th, 2020