Chelsea Handler Retard Helmet of the Day

Chelsea Handler may be a cunt, her comedy may be mean spirited enough to get noticed, but really just her trying to pander to the celebrity world that she wanted to so badly be a part of by pretending she’s above it. I don’t remember ever finding her funny, interesting or compelling in any way….but then her show got cancelled and she got naked on instagram where she shows off what I assume are fake tits, because before she did the comedy route to get famous since it was an easy one as a girl, comedians are typically losers who can’t get laid so if an averagely hot girl strolls in, they all do all they can to elevate her career so that they can jerk off to her in their hotel room after a show and laugh about it until the MeToo movement makes them question the experience and try to get that toxic male cancelled…

Point being, Chelsea Handler has tits, they are not exposed like they normally are, but they are in an old lady bikini, while she rocks a helmet, with what could be a dumb as fuck caption I am not going to read, because I’m sticking with retard helmet, because I still use the word retard on internet, in conversation, I’m old and not going to change a good thing….but yeah…the retard helmet so she doesn’t brain damage herself while hitting her head against the wall or whatever else it is that retards do…

Weird bikini pics, sure, but tits.


Chelsea Handler Retard Helmet of the Day August 12th, 2020