Salma Hayek Titties in the Pool of the Day

Salma Hayek is more than just Mexican Titties, I mean I assume she likes to think that she is, but to me, she’ll always just be Mexican Titties, because her tits are huge…

She’s probably in her 60s now, in some pre-retirement home kind of environment, or would be if she was a basic blue collar worker who is dying of all the diseases that come from being low income….but instead she was a rich kid, who made in in America as a celebrity, who landed a billionaire husband, and who can focus on being rich as shit, famous as shit, and still just a set of tits…

I am not a huge fan of old ladies trying to be hot, despite being an old man just trying not to die of a heart attack or stroke, but clearly not trying enough….but when they are rich, they are usually cleaned up nicely enough, that their old dry mom cunts smell like fancy perfumes and not the impending death you’d expect them to smell like…

So here she is floating with the floaters like she wasn’t old as shit….because tits, when shot from a far and pushed up to your old hag neck, aren’t that gross.

Salma Hayek Titties in the Pool of the Day August 12th, 2020