Charlotte Lawrence Getting Nude of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence Nude Topless

Miss Charlotte Lawrence is the daughter of Kate from the Drew Carey show and some other producer who may have created the show SCRUBS, so they are rich and connected in hollywood, so naturally their daughter, as she paves her way through life, making a name for herself outside of her parents and all their connections, while living off their money and their connections, she gets naked or topless on the internet because clearly we are a sex driven species and with all the porn out there, mixed with all the narcissism out there, it’s only NATURAL to want to post up nude pics of yourself for the fans…they get more likes and follows and even old ladies who aren’t influencers are posting up their bikini pics cuz they are proud of their bodies and all the comments they get from their pervert ass friends…moms and grannies of facebook all love their vacation feedback from their friends…even if they are old and fat and vile…it’s human nature.

So…the rich and connected spoiled brat of two idiots who probably think they’ve won at life….giving their offspring some kind of ego…is out here in a topless shoot, smoking some weak ass weed with what looks like cherry flavored papers, something any weed smoker would frown upon, but that some bratty kid with an Ocean view shows off to let you know how hip she is….because when you’re a coddled rich kid who grows up amongst rich kids and the only thing you know about being someone your age is from social media and the movies…you sort of have no chance…

She’s also with her hot bodied friend in a bikini…assuming they aren’t overly photoshopped, even though all these girls are…and I’m not hating….young girls paving the new generation of entertainment industry….I just thing it’s funny that Charlotte Lawrence has emailed me at least once to take down her smut because she’s not into the jokes…and I like being annoying like that…

At my core, I don’t give a fuck about her social media feed or quest to be famous, if anything, I’m just helping her promote it while taking a piss on it, something young people are probably into because standard sex is crazy, but at the same time, the first time I was pissed on, or that I pissed on a girl was about 30 years ago when I was 18 or 19… young people have always been into pissing on each other….

Also, she looks good to me and I’m not even on Social media…I’m just hating on it, because I’d like to see these rich kids do better shit with their money and access…that’s really my only complaint of all the young rich kids that are fully connected in the industry…like stop the selfie and make a horror movie…or something beyond a fucking selfie you lazy fucks.

Charlotte Lawrence Nude

Here she is smoking weed cause she’s a BADASS


Charlotte Lawrence Getting Nude of the Day August 17th, 2020